You are helping us raise $125,000 to fuel 15,000 accessible trips for Via riders by December 5. Thank you!
Please use the form below to accept donations.
If they don’t know, we can find out for them!
Click here, scroll down, and type their or their spouse’s employer’s name to see if they will match their donation.
If the employer offers a match, please let Zoe or Eiko know, and we will email them instructions to get their match. Remember to confirm their email address so we send it to the right place!
ATTN: Donations
Via Mobility Services
2855 63rd St.
Boulder, CO 80301
A donation your employer makes to enhance your donation to Via. Some employers will double your donations to your favorite nonprofits, for example.
Yes, we can look that up on Charity Navigator.
Instructions will be emailed to the donor. (Please get their email address and tell Zoe or Eiko.)
Yes, you will receive a receipt by email from
Please raise your hand, and Zoe or Eiko will help.
Thank you for volunteering and making a difference for Via riders!