• 303-447-2848
  • Español: 303-444-3043

Thank You for Moving Our Mission Forward on Colorado Gives Day

Your generosity during Colorado Gives Day has truly inspired us. Thanks to your incredible support, Via riders can experience the freedom and connection our services provide. At Via, we deliver more than just transportation—it’s a lifeline to independence.

Because of your remarkable contributions, our community also received an additional $40,065 in matching funds from Good Samaritan Medical Center, Platte Valley Medical Center, the Paige Family Foundation, and the Colorado Gives Foundation. Together, we exceeded our goal of $130,000, raising approximately $145,284!

Your donation creates independence.

“Life is a story that we write, and sometimes obstacles get in the way. We have to decide how we’re going to overcome them. It may take a little time to get where you’re going, but you still have the freedom to reach your destination. What I like about Via, especially for me, is the scheduled time. It’s essential to have a plan and know you’re going to get there safely. It’s really important to have a safe way to travel now.

Thank you for my ticket to ride and my independence.”

– Lisa L., Via Rider

Your gifts directly support accessible, door-through-door trips for older adults and community members with disabilities—helping them attend medical appointments, visit loved ones, and engage with their communities. Together, we’re making a tangible difference in their lives.

At Via Mobility Services, we believe everyone deserves to live with dignity and independence. Your support keeps our wheels turning, ensuring mobility challenges don’t stand in the way of living a full and engaged life.

From all of us at Via, thank you for standing with us and championing our mission. Wishing you a joyful and prosperous New Year!

With heartfelt gratitude,
The Via Mobility Services Team

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