• 303-447-2848
  • Español: 303-444-3043

Ways to Leave Your Legacy with Via

There are many ways to leave your legacy and give Via a piece of your heart. You can meet your current financial needs, protect your heirs, and support Via’s mission.

Make A Will

Via Mobility Services has provided essential paratransit services for older adults and people with disabilities, thanks to supporters like you.

By creating your will, you can protect your loved ones and support another 45 years of Via’s mission. In just 20 minutes, and at no cost, you can use FreeWill, an online will-writing tool, to:

  • Define your future vision and assets.
  • Show your loved ones you care.
  • Create a lasting impact with Via Mobility Services.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to Mobility for Life!

Need legal assistance? Here’s a list of trusted attorneys:

Make A Will

A Bequest in Your Will

A bequest is an instruction in your will or trust that determines how some or all of your assets will be distributed.

Sample bequest language:

I hereby bequeath $____ to Via Mobility Services, a nonprofit charitable organization with a legal address at 2855 N. 63rd St., Boulder, CO 80301, Federal Tax ID 84-0777296.

Please let us know when you include Via in your plans – we’d like to say thank you!

A Beneficiary Designation

Any account – such as a bank account, life insurance policy, brokerage account, or Individual Retirement Account – can help you leave your legacy with Via Mobility Services.

  1. Request a change-of-beneficiary form from the administrator of your retirement plan, insurance policy, bank account, or donor-advised fund.
  2. Designate Via Mobility Services, along with the percentage you choose, on the beneficiary form. Via Mobility Services, legal address is 2855 N. 63rd St., Boulder, CO 80301, Federal Tax ID 84-0777296.
  3. Return the completed form to your plan administrator, insurance company, bank, or financial institution.

A Qualified Charitable Distribution From Your IRA Required Minimum Distribution

Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD), also known as IRA Charitable Rollover gifts, allow you to make a tax-free gift from your IRA accounts.

When you give a charitable gift to Via, you can fulfill your Required Minimum Distribution while also reducing your tax burden on these heavily-taxed assets.

A QCD gift from your IRA may also reduce your income tax bracket and protect your Social Security benefits.

Your Gift of Compassion

We’re Here to Help

We’re here to talk with you about how your legacy can support thousands of people with mobility limitations through the work of Via Mobility Services.

Contact Us at Via@ViaColorado.org for more information.


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There is now a Mid-day Lyons Flyer run. It starts in Boulder at 12:00 at New Vista High School and leaves Lyons at 12:50 from 4th & Railroad.