• 303-447-2848
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Connection to clients keeps long-time Via employee behind the wheel

“Working for Via is a good fit,” says Dar Owsianny, “because I love people and I love driving.”

Dar started at Via 26 years ago, when it was still known as Special Transit.  As Via has evolved, so has her job. Traffic is busier now, and new routes have been added to accommodate Via’s ever-expanding client base.

Dar's 25thAccording to Dar, Via continually moves forward and embraces new technologies. Instead of street maps and paper-based daily route schedules, drivers are now equipped with GPS units and networked computer tablets, Dar observed. Via’s fleet of vehicles has also evolved and now includes hybrids, vans and the new MV-1s.

Although times have changed, drivers like Dar remain at the heart of Via. They provide safe, supportive and caring transportation for older adults and people with disabilities. Drivers have to maintain a tight schedule, all the while chatting with riders and maneuvering through unpredictable traffic and weather.

In addition to working a full-time driving shift, Dar also serves on Via’s social and safety committees. She likes to be involved and takes pride in helping Via create a culture of caring and safety.

However, it’s working with the riders that makes Via special for Dar. “Being in the community, helping people to get where they need to go and maintain their independence is what it’s about for me,” Dar explained.

Dar is proud that she has played a long-term role in Via’s 35 successful years.  All the same, some day she says she plans to retire, “…..but not just yet!”

Click here to see photos of Dar driving clients in a March 2014 article in the Longmont Times-Call.

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There is now a Mid-day Lyons Flyer run. It starts in Boulder at 12:00 at New Vista High School and leaves Lyons at 12:50 from 4th & Railroad.