Last week, Via was named a Clean Air Champion by the Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC). This award acknowledges a demonstrated commitment to improving air quality in our region.
As the lead air quality planning agency for the Metro Denver/North Front Range Ozone Nonattainment Area – and in alignment with its mission to “improve air quality and protect Colorado’s health, environment and economy” – the RAQC created the Clean Air Champions Recognition Program to recognize entities, including public, private and nonprofit organizations, local governments and municipalities, that demonstrate a commitment to improving the region’s air quality.
The RAQC recognizes Via’s progress towards and commitment to electrifying our entire fleet and our plan to build a microgrid at Via’s Boulder facility to capture solar energy. The renewable energy generated on-site will be used to power our operations, resulting in net-zero carbon transit.
In addition to recognizing Via’s work, the RAQC will be making a charitable contribution on behalf of Via. Via has chosen Colorado CarShare to receive this donation to support its efforts to electrify its car sharing fleet.