We can’t express enough how deeply touched we are by your incredible generosity in supporting Via riders for Colorado Gives Day. Your support of Via Mobility Services is a lifeline for our community. We’re still tallying up final numbers as donations continue arriving by mail…Because of YOU, Via raised over $124,111 and counting to provide more than 15,500 accessible, door-through-door trips for our older and disabled neighbors.
Thank You!

Lisa Lehndorff, Via rider, volunteer, and author of From Where I Sit, with Annie Montelione, Via Paratransit driver and crisis responder.
Your Donation Means Freedom To Me!
This year, your generosity means more than ever. Federal funding for assisted transportation services like Via Mobility Services may be reduced, but the number of riders like me has only increased.
On a personal level, after a year spent in rehab facilities after surgery, I finally came home in May. I’m presently living mostly in a wheelchair. As someone who is fiercely independent, this has been a huge adjustment in my life.
When I came home, transportation was the one thing I didn’t worry about. I already knew that the wonderful Via drivers and the rest of the team would give me back my mobility freedom.
Via drivers are incredibly encouraging and are trained to give the best service to people with disabilities. Every activity I do, from swimming to volunteering to attending art shows, means arranging a ride. There is a vast difference between knowing your ride will be on time and the drivers can cheerfully handle a wheelchair, versus praying that another provider will not turn down a wheelchair ride.
A million thanks for your help in getting my life back!
With gratitude,
Lisa Lehndorff, Via Rider