Donate from your donor-advised fund, gift stocks, or even cryptocurrency. Your contribution provides you with significant tax advantages and supports Via riders.
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is an account for charitable donations that offers tax benefits. Add money, stocks, and other assets to this account through organizations like Vanguard Charitable or a community foundation. When you contribute, you can get a tax break, and earnings aren’t taxed.
Donating stock (vs. cash) can save you money. When you donate stock, you avoid capital gains tax while deducting 100% of the value of the contribution.
Donate Bitcoin, Ethereum, USD Coin, and other cryptocurrencies and reduce tax-gain burdens.
Under “Make a Donation” in the form below, select DAF, Stock, or Crypto to start making your donation. To receive a receipt, please include your email address.
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a centralized investment account created just for charitable giving. DAFs are a simple, flexible, and tax-advantageous way for you to contribute directly to our work.
For more information or help with contributing to Via Mobility Services from a DAF sponsored by an institution, please email