• 303-447-2848
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John and Ninetta stay connected

John H., age 88
John and his wife, Ninetta, have been married for 68 years and they have four children. About a year ago, Ninetta sustained a head injury after a fall and had to move into a skilled nursing facility. Every day, John would drive to visit Ninetta at her new home. His vision was declining and it was no longer safe for him to operate a car.

Their son Jack, had heard about Via and encouraged his dad to use the service. Now Via drivers bring John to visit his wife every day. John says he is so grateful because Via keeps him connected to Ninetta. Their children appreciate Via because it keeps John and everyone else on the road safe.

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There is now a Mid-day Lyons Flyer run. It starts in Boulder at 12:00 at New Vista High School and leaves Lyons at 12:50 from 4th & Railroad.