• 303-447-2848
  • Español: 303-444-3043

Via coordinates Longmont service with RTD

Via is teaming up with RTD’s Call-n-Ride/Access-a-Ride bus service to provided coordinated services to the Longmont community starting October 7.

What this means for you:

  • If you’re a Via or Call-n-Ride customer, you should still book your trip as you do now. Your fare will be based on the service you booked. Either a Call-n-Ride or Via vehicle will show up for your ride.
  • If you’re a certified Access-a-Ride customer, you should book your trip through Access-a-Ride. A Call-n-Ride, Via or Access-a-Ride vehicle will show up for your ride. Regardless of which vehicle provides the service, you will pay the $4.50 Access-a-Ride fare.
  • Access-a-Ride customers have a guaranteed ride. All other customers are booked on a space available basis.
  • For trips booked through Access-a-Ride, ADA-approved attendants ride for free.
  • Seatbelt usage is now required on all buses.

Via reservations: 303.447.9636

Via customer service: 303.447.2848, x 1031

RTD Access-a-Ride reservations: 303.292.6560

RTD Call-n-Ride reservations: 303.994.3551 or 303.994.3552

RTD customer service: 303.299.6000

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Please note that the following services will not operate on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents' Day: Ride Free Lafayette, The Climb, Lyons Flyer, and Boulder/Nederland Route Regular service will resume on Tuesday, February 18. Thank You