• 303-447-2848
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Happy Birthday to us, Happy Birthday to us!

Via is celebrating its 35th Anniversary this year, and as with many milestone occasions, we’ve been doing a bit of reflection. The result is a 16-page insert in the Oct. 3-16 edition of BizWest.

The publication recognizes our corporate partners, includes photos of our volunteer board members, looks at our commitment to environmental stewardship, has stories about clients and takes a gander at our future.

We also put together an infographic looking at 35 years of Mobility for Life – By the Numbers, which is pictured below.

You can view the full publication online here.

Via’s 35th Anniversary Special Edition Report
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Starting July 1, the Mountain Rides shuttle will be available on Mondays, in addition to Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Starting July 1, the Mountain Rides shuttle will be available on Mondays, in addition to Wednesdays and Thursdays.