• 303-447-2848
  • Español: 303-444-3043

Thank You Everyone! Via’s 2nd Annual Golf Classic 2016

Via sends a huge and heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported our 2nd Annual Golf Classic on Saturday, July 30 at beautiful Indian Peak’s Golf Course!  As you can see from the photos – it was a great day on the links!  To our sponsors, golfers, prize donors and volunteers, you made the event a big success! Via is proud to have partnered with Greenwood & Myers Mortuary in Boulder for the second year in a row! Thank you and we hope you can join us next year!

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There is now a Mid-day Lyons Flyer run. It starts in Boulder at 12:00 at New Vista High School and leaves Lyons at 12:50 from 4th & Railroad.