• 303-447-2848
  • Español: 303-444-3043

Winter weather is here – be prepared!

While we’ve enjoyed this mild autumn, we know winter will be here soon. In Colorado, that means occasional snow and ice on sidewalks and roads. Particularly dangerous is the “black Ice” that forms on roads overnight when the temperatures drop. This is a good time for riders who may still drive in nicer weather to leave their car at home and use Via. Remember, you can call Via up to 7 days in advance to schedule a ride. We will also schedule a same-day ride, pending availability.

To ensure safety for yourself and our drivers this winter, please remember:

  • Walkways and steps must be clear of snow and ice. Drivers are not allowed to shovel walks. For safety, drivers cannot escort a rider whose steps and walkway are not clear of snow and ice.
  • If you live in a housing unit where staff shovels snow and ice, it is recommended that you schedule your pick-up time later in the morning if possible to allow time for the walks to be cleared.
  • Via will contact you by phone if service is canceled due to the weather. If you changed your phone number in the past year or you are not receiving Via notification calls, please call Lisa Bitzer at 303-447-9636 ext. 1031 to update your phone contact information.
  • All Via service cancellations are also announced on TV, Channel 7 as well as on Via’s website viacolorado.org.
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Please note that the following services will not operate on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents' Day: Ride Free Lafayette, The Climb, Lyons Flyer, and Boulder/Nederland Route Regular service will resume on Tuesday, February 18. Thank You