At Via Mobility Services, we understand the profound impact accessible transportation can have on people’s lives. A ride means more than mobility; It means independence and dignity. Our CEO, Frank W. Bruno, recently shared his personal journey of relying on Via’s services during a time of recovery. Frank’s experience reflects Via’s commitment to being there for anyone who needs us, including individuals facing both temporary and long-term mobility challenges.
Frank’s Path to Recovery
After undergoing multiple surgeries that left him with each foot in a cast for sixteen weeks, Frank encountered firsthand the difficulties of navigating daily life with significant mobility restrictions. Accustomed to the autonomy of driving and the spontaneity it allows, he found himself confronting a new reality. Frank’s temporary inability to drive highlighted the critical role of accessible transportation in maintaining quality of life. “The feeling of being stranded and dependent was eye-opening,” Frank recalled. “I’ve always understood the importance of Via’s mission, but experiencing the need for our services personally brought a new depth of appreciation. Via was a lifeline for me during my recovery.”
Addressing Transportation Challenges with Via
During his recovery period, Frank faced the stark reality of not being able to go about his daily activities independently. “I missed not being able to just go at the drop of a hat–I wanted to go to the library and look for books, which I enjoy and improves my quality of life. In order to do that, I could have walked a mile from my house on crutches in the summer and a mile back with books–or I could have waited for my wife, Shelly, to take me. The first couple of times, she was happy to do it, but after a few weeks, she was busy!”
Relying on family members for transportation quickly became burdensome for Frank and his loved ones. “I was hesitant at first to ride with Via, even on a limited basis, because I knew I would be taking a ride away from someone truly reliant on that ride, possibly for a medical or dialysis appointment. Although I wouldn’t be a long-term rider, I wanted to experience what our riders experience with Via. During those rides, I saw firsthand what Via means to our community. I can only imagine how people who live with mobility limitations every single day feel. My experience as a Via rider will always be a part of who I am.”
Via’s services provided a vital lifeline, enhancing Frank’s independence and greater flexibility in getting where he needed to go while recovering from surgery.
Today, Frank rides with others on the bus to learn about their experiences. During orientations with new drivers, Frank meets everyone and talks about his experience and the stories of others he’s met to help prepare staff to serve our community of riders.
Who Qualifies to Ride with Via?
Whether recovering from surgery, navigating age-related mobility changes, or facing any short-term mobility challenge, Via is there to provide reliable and dignified transportation solutions. Via’s inclusivity ensures that anyone facing mobility challenges, whether temporary or ongoing, has access to safe, reliable, and compassionate transportation solutions. “It’s essential we recognize our community’s wide array of needs,” Frank emphasized. “Accessibility shouldn’t be limited by the duration or nature of one’s mobility challenges.”
Anyone can call Via to find out if they or a loved one is eligible to ride by calling 303.447.9636 Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Supporting Via’s Mission of Mobility for Life
Your support makes a difference. Whether riding with Via, sharing your stories, or contributing to our mission, you help us ensure that no one is left stranded on their journey. Together, we can make mobility for life a reality for everyone in our community.
Your donation ensures that our neighbors with limited mobility can access essential transportation services when they need them most. Last year, Frank made a generous donation to create the Lochner Apprenticeship Fund. This fund helps support Via’s new Lochner Apprenticeship program to train Boulder area high school students to become electric vehicle mechanics in partnership with CareerWise Colorado. Learn more about Via’s commitment to environmental sustainability.
Meeting Growing Demand for Accessible Transportation
Frank envisions a future where Via continues expanding its services to meet the growing demand for accessible transportation. This includes strengthening partnerships with local businesses and organizations to provide comprehensive mobility solutions that benefit the entire community. “We’re exploring new ways to serve and support our community,” Frank stated, “ensuring that Via remains a steadfast ally in the pursuit of mobility for life.”

As communities grapple with an aging population and increasing awareness of mobility challenges, the demand for accessible transportation services like Via is on the rise. The demand for Via Paratransit grew over 12% from 2022 to 2023. Frank’s journey underscores the urgency of addressing this need and expanding accessible transportation options to meet the growing demand. “Our experience with Via reflects a broader societal shift towards recognizing the importance of equitable transportation solutions,” Frank remarked. “It’s a demand we are committed to meeting head-on.”
Your Donation is a Lifeline to Independence
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