Via Quickly Adapts To Meet Our Community’s Changing Needs During Pandemic
We’ve been leading in accessible transportation for more than 40 years, and – like you – we’re experiencing swift and sometimes severe changes. The mobility concerns of older adults and people with disabilities are shifting from traveling to community resources like senior centers and the beauty parlor to acquiring vital resources like groceries during this time of social distancing and isolation. As the COVID-19 pandemic progresses, Via is quickly adapting to meet our community’s changing needs, including but not limited to:
- Via is collaborating with the Boulder County Farmers Market to make sure that at-risk and isolated residents have access to fresh food.
- Via is delivering emergency bags of food to:
- Boulder residents in partnership with Boulder Housing Partners, Emergency Family Assistance Association (EFFA), and Community Food Share
- TRU PACE (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) residents in Boulder and Longmont
- Individuals referred by the Center for People with Disabilities (CPWD)
- Vulnerable residents of Lyons and Allenspark
- The Louisville Senior Center
- While The Cancer Society has to temporarily stop its volunteer driver program for providing cancer patients with trips to treatments, Via is providing some those trips. We’ve also contacted local cancer treatment facilities and asked them to refer patients who need transportation to Via.
Via Paratransit is still running, and we are providing accessible trips for older adults and people with disabilities to vital community resources like health care facilities. Plus, we’re waiving fares until the end of April. Learn more about what steps we are taking to keep passengers safe at
Our essential transportation services are also available to support you and your community. To learn more about contracting with Via to address your urgent needs, please contact Lisa Bitzer, Director of Paratransit & Mobility Services, by phone at 303-725-4160 or by email at

Support Your Neighbors In Need
Your gift now is urgently needed to continue making it possible for the older adults and people with disabilities in our community to get through this crisis.
You can be someone’s lifeline.
Donate now to Via’s Help Our Neighbors Fund at and make a meaningful difference.