• 303-447-2848
  • Español: 303-444-3043

Via offers free transportation for flood victims

Update | September 19, 2013

Local nonprofit Via will provide transportation to the Disaster Assistance Centers in Boulder County and Estes Park for individuals with transportation limitations as a result of the recent flood (as long as we can safely get to a pick up location).

To schedule a ride to a Disaster Assistance Center, call 303-447-9636 or toll free 1-888-647-9768 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday and provide your name, address/pick up location, phone number and referral source (if referred by another agency)

Longmont DAC:  Twin Peaks Mall, 1250 South Hover, Longmont

Boulder DAC:  5495 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder

Estes Park DAC:  Estes Park Conference Center, 101 South St. Vrain Ave.

Via will also provide free transportation throughout our service area (see communities served here) on a temporary basis to flood victims who need access to essential services such as health care, food or other needed efforts to help stabilize their lives. Via can also provide flood victims with information and referral to transportation resources, such as public transit, that may be available in their local communities. For more information, call 303-447-2848, ext. 1014 or email egallegos@viacolorado.org.

For information about flood-related transportation Via is providing in mountain communities, click here.

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