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Via reports 2013 impact by community

Via recently released mini-annual reports detailing its 2013 impact by community including Boulder, Brighton, Erie, Estes Park, Lafayette, Longmont and Louisville. The reports include rider and trip statistics, the funding impact, and issues and concerns moving forward. The complete 2013 Annual Report will be available in late June.

Here are highlights from a few of the communities. To see all the reports and download by community, click here. 

Boulder – Provided 44,061 paratransit trips for 1,030 riders, and served another 83 individuals through the mobility options program. In addition, Via provided 15,032 trips for individuals experiencing homelessness to access safe shelter or employment/training programs.

Brighton – Served 303 residents in the paratransit and mobility options programs. Via also added a half day of service per week expanding its boundaries in order to serve rural riders in the Brighton area.

Longmont – Provided 37,115 paratransit trips to 985 riders in Longmont, which is a 10-percent increase in trips over 2012 and a 24-percent increase in the number of people served. Client statistics show that Via now serves as nearly as many Longmont residents as Boulder residents, which is a dramatic shift in the demographics of the organization’s target populations.

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There is now a Mid-day Lyons Flyer run. It starts in Boulder at 12:00 at New Vista High School and leaves Lyons at 12:50 from 4th & Railroad.