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Via Turns 35 – Board Member Guest Post

During Via’s 35th anniversary year, I am sharing my blog with guest writers – Via board members, employees, riders  and community members – who are writing about their experience with Via.We also welcome your contributions. If you are interested in sharing your story for “Via Turns 35,” please contact Mary Cobb at 303.473.2882. We’d love to hear from you!

This week we’re hearing from Via board member Peter Powers. Peter is director of strategic planning & business development at Longmont United Hospital.

Lenna Kottke, Executive Director

Via – supporting healthy communities

Health care is undergoing a much needed transformation.  Providers are moving toward a prevention oriented model of care that promotes stronger patient/physician relationships, and encourages engaged patients.

As this change unfolds, Via, the local mobility services expert, will continue to be an essential community resource.  By providing transportation options, Via helps elderly and disabled patients get to doctor’s appointments, fill prescriptions and follow through on physical therapy and exercise.

The business case for Via is strong.  Via’s riders can access health care on a regular basis, instead of waiting until an ambulance and emergency room care are needed.  This creates a tremendous cost savings and allows local hospitals and providers to work upstream and see their patients for regular and preventative care in lower cost settings.

Via’s transportation options also support community health in the broad sense.  Via helps disabled clients get to work, go grocery shopping, and remain self-sufficient.  The benefits of living a healthy, productive, independent life are beyond measure.

In 2013, 37 percent of all Via’s clients were Longmont residents and demand continues to rise as our city grows.  As the local population ages, the need for mobility options and healthcare will become more closely linked.

During its 35 years of service, Via has proven to be an innovative and responsive organization.  With an engaged board of directors and strong organizational leadership, there is no doubt that this forward-thinking nonprofit will continue to innovate.  We can anticipate that in the future Via will remain a crucial community resource for Longmont healthcare providers and residents.

Peter Powers

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There is now a Mid-day Lyons Flyer run. It starts in Boulder at 12:00 at New Vista High School and leaves Lyons at 12:50 from 4th & Railroad.