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Via Turns 35 – Mark Emery Guest Post

During Via’s 35th anniversary year, I am sharing my blog with guest writers – Via board members, employees, riders and community members – who are writing about their experience with Via. We also welcome your contributions. If you are interested in sharing your story for “Via Turns 35,” please contact Mary Cobb at 303.473.2882. We’d love to hear from you!

This week we’re hearing from Mark Emery, CEO of Imagine!, a 50-year-old Colorado nonprofit that provides services designed to incorporate people with developmental, cognitive and physical challenges into the fabric of their communities.

Lenna Kottke, Executive Director 


Good News Friday!

On behalf of everyone at Imagine!, I’d like to offer my sincere congratulations to Via on the occasion of its 35th Anniversary.

Via’s mission is to promote independence and self-sufficiency for people with limited mobility by providing caring, customer-focused transportation options. There is a great deal of overlap between the populations served by Imagine! and Via, and I’m proud to say that our relationship is one that continues to be beneficial not only to both of our organizations but, more importantly, to our community.

At Imagine!, we believe in the potential of all. We believe that individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities have a great deal to offer to their communities, if only given the chance. We have spent more than 50 years developing programs in Boulder and Broomfield counties designed to open doors for more community opportunities for the people we serve.

However, none of those opportunities mean much if the individuals we serve can’t get to where the opportunities exist. Access to transportation can make all the difference when it comes to getting to a job site on time, attending an enriching class, getting a checkup at the doctor’s office, or visiting friends and family. These are the sort of activities that define a healthy community, and the ability to get to and from these activities is something most of us take for granted. However, some in our community face barriers to transportation which can lead to isolation and segregation. Via has spent 35 years breaking down those barriers, and by doing so, has made our community healthier, happier, and more inclusive.

Thank you, Via, for your 35 years of service. I can’t wait to see what the next 35 years will bring.

Mark Emery




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Please note that the following services will not operate on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents' Day: Ride Free Lafayette, The Climb, Lyons Flyer, and Boulder/Nederland Route Regular service will resume on Tuesday, February 18. Thank You