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A Piece of Your Heart for Via

Leaving Your Legacy of Care

Mobility is what allows us to stay connected, achieve independence, realize our dreams, and  fulfill our purpose.

Your legacy gift can enhance Via’s work, ensuring a future where older adults, people with disabilities, and people with mobility limitations enjoy the independence of caring, accessible transportation.

Legacy gifts are powerful because they allow you to honor and express your values. We all know it can be hard to think about your will, but the decisions you make in the document can be among the most important you make. Your values and your philanthropic intentions can be at the center of the decisions you make about your will and bequests.

A carefully considered legacy gift may help you meet many of the following goals:

  • Make a larger charitable gift than you thought possible
  • Make sure your family’s financial needs are addressed
  • Potentially Provide an inheritance for your heirs at a lower tax cost
  • Possibly reduce your income tax and avoid capital gains taxes
  • Diversify your investments and portfolio
  • Leave a legacy that uplifts our community into the future


Remember Via Mobility Services in Your Will

Did you know that more than 50% of adults in the U.S. don’t have a will?

Having a will is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your heirs – and the charities you want to support. Getting your affairs in order is an act of kindness. 

Having a will, and including a philanthropic gift among your bequests, is a powerful action that impacts both your family and community. And it’s something you can create today.  

Learn more about how to plan and write your will.

Your Philanthropic Investments Tell Your Story: What Will Your Legacy Be?  

Your legacy gift can:

  • be a tailored bequest in your will
  • balance your philanthropic vision with your financial situation, future needs, and wishes for your family and heirs
  • help ensure that some of our most vulnerable community members will have caring, accessible, door-through-door mobility for life – a powerful gift

Former Via Board Member Dave Fjeldstad shares his story and why he made a legacy gift to Via.

Financial Planner Julia Chung explores how the choices you make today can create a legacy – a legacy that you can be proud of, or a legacy that can have consequences you did not intend.

Melanie’s Gift: A Legacy of Care

Melanie Killinger-Vowell (1952 – 2019) discovered  Via Mobility Services when we assisted her husband – Melanie’s high school sweetheart Dan Vowell – during the last four years of his life.  During those four years, Via drove Dan to a senior program at the Boulder YMCA twice a week. The program gave Dan important social connections and provided Melanie with periods of respite. 

In appreciation for our services, Melanie made a bequest to Via Mobility Services in her will. We grieve her passing and are also deeply honored to carry forward her memory through our daily work as we assist other people like Melanie and Dan.

Via’s CEO Frank Bruno remembers the moment Via learned of Melanie’s bequest. “We were humbled and deeply grateful to have been honored by Melanie in this way,” he said. “She meant a lot to us, and we are pleased we were able to add to her life.”

During her life, Melanie was dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others. After graduating from high school, she became interested in social justice issues. She created a drug crisis drop-in center in Flint, Michigan, where she helped women with low incomes navigate the legal system, showing them how to file for divorces and other matters without an attorney. Melanie had discovered a passion for serving others and helping them be independent. Learn more about Melanie’s life and contributions.

Now her gift is helping other older adults and people with disabilities by keeping them connected to their communities and supporting their independence. Via will be able to carry forward Melanie’s legacy to many, many others.

Learn more about how you too can make a legacy gift with Via Mobility Services.

Designating Via as a Beneficiary on an Account: Did You Know How Fast and Easy It Can Be?

Many people name a partner, adult child, or other close friend or relative to receive their life insurance proceeds. Many people like you also want to extend their care to our community. 

Did you know that you can also leave a piece of your heart, and a portion of your financial assets, for Via?

There are so many kinds of accounts, and you can use them all for good!  

  • Checking, savings, or other bank accounts 
  • Trusts
  • Brokerage accounts
  • Retirement accounts
  • Commercial annuities
  • Insurance policies

All of these assets are intended to create financial stability for ourselves, our loved ones, and our families.  

You can also bring stability and a strong financial future to Via and the people we serve when you designate Via Mobility Services as a beneficiary on many kinds of accounts.

This overview from a leading financial management firm describes how to designate a charity as your beneficiary.

You can name a charity or other organization as the beneficiary of your life insurance and other accounts. If there’s a cause that’s been meaningful to you over the years, gifting your life insurance payout to a charity is a way to help support that work, and it can bring tax benefits to your heirs.

June’s Story: Designating Via as a Beneficiary on Her IRA Account

“Last month, I was doing my annual review of my financials, all of it, the IRA, life insurance policy, and checking and savings accounts,” said June S., a Via supporter. “I don’t have that much, compared with other people I know, but I need to take care of what I have.”

June had heard about the option of making a charitable gift by including a charity as a beneficiary on one of her accounts.  

“I really value the work Via does in the community, and I know they need support to fund their mission and bring mobility to so many people, thousands of people in our community, every year,” June explained. 

“I was able to make that beneficiary designation, a $10,000 gift from my IRA payable upon my death, and it took less than 15 minutes with my financial advisor! I feel so happy and relieved about taking care of this. I know that so much good will come from this gift – one of the largest gifts I’ve ever been able to make.”

Learn more about how to designate a beneficiary on an account.

Via would be honored to be part of your legacy.

We are here to help you find the best ways to leave your legacy and make a lasting impact on our community, through the work of Via Mobility Services. Our mission is to promote independence and self-sufficiency for people with limited mobility by providing caring, customer-focused transportation solutions. Your legacy gift is a tangible expression of your intention to make a positive difference. Our partnership with you and your legacy gift lets us carry forward in building a better world.

Contact us to learn how a legacy gift can:

  • Balance your philanthropic vision with your financial situation, future needs, and wishes for your family and heirs.
  • Uplift Via’s work, ensuring a future where older adults and people with mobility limitations can enjoy independence through caring, accessible transportation.
  • Meet your needs for ease and simplicity, with a simple bequest in your will or a beneficiary designation through an Individual Retirement Account, life insurance policy, or other account.

Complete this form to let us know how we can assist you or contact Zoe DeVito, Director of Development and Communications, at 720-507-8606 or zdevito@ViaColorado.org.

Learn more about how your donation supports our community.


This article references external websites offering legal and financial advice. Via Mobility Services does not endorse or approve any of this advice and encourages our readers to consult with their personal financial and legal advisors.

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Please note that the following services will not operate on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents' Day: Ride Free Lafayette, The Climb, Lyons Flyer, and Boulder/Nederland Route Regular service will resume on Tuesday, February 18. Thank You