• 303-447-2848
  • Español: 303-444-3043

Catch a Free Ride to Concerts at Chautauqua on the HOP

Ride for Free to Summer Concerts at Chautauqua

The City of Boulder, Colorado Chautauqua, and Via Mobility Services are partnering to bring you another year of free, wheelchair-accessible shuttles to and from the Colorado Music Festival and Chautauqua Summer Series events at the historic Chautauqua auditorium.

Click here to see Chautauqua’s calendar of events, including 2023 summer concerts.

Click here to go to the Colorado Music Festival’s website.

Where can I get on the free shuttle to Chautauqua Auditorium?

Buses begin approximately 90 minutes before showtime and arrive approximately every 15-20 minutes until 30 minutes after the performance begins.

Catch the Free HOP 2 Chautauqua shuttle from these Downtown Pearl Street Mall bus stops to Chautauqua:
Catch the free HOP 2 Chautauqua shuttle at these Baseline bus stops:

The free HOP 2 Chautauqua shuttle drops off at the Baseline Road Trolley Stop, a 3 minute (0.1 mile) walk to Chautauqua Auditorium.


27th Way Park-n-Ride – The most ample parking; free for Boulder County residents, fee for non-residents

What if I have accessibility needs?

The Hop 2 Chautauqua ADA vehicle is wheelchair-accessible and picks up passengers with accessibility and mobility needs from the New Vista High School bus stop. Drive and leave your car there, and transfer to the ADA vehicle.

OR – get on the free HOP 2 Chautauqua shuttle at a downtown stop or 27th Way (stops listed above), then transfer to the ADA vehicle at New Vista High School.

When can I catch the free HOP 2 Chautauqua shuttle to the Chautauqua auditorium?

The free HOP 2 Chautauqua shuttle picks up starting 90 minutes before showtime and arrives approximately every 15-20 minutes until 30 minutes after the performance begins. (For example – for a 7:30 PM event, the free shuttle will pick up riders from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.)

How do I get back to my car or where I started?

The free HOP 2 Chautauqua shuttle will return you to your stop! After the event, head immediately to the rear of Chautauqua Auditorium. Shuttles pick up riders to the east of the Auditorium, and return to pick up more riders until everyone has been picked up.

Where can I learn more about the HOP 2 Chautauqua shuttle?

Click here to learn more about the HOP 2 Chautauqua shuttle on Chautauqua’s website.

Learn about shuttles to the park during summer weekends. 

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Please note that the following services will not operate on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents' Day: Ride Free Lafayette, The Climb, Lyons Flyer, and Boulder/Nederland Route Regular service will resume on Tuesday, February 18. Thank You